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Phoenixville Area SC

Questions for College Coaches


  • What are your most popular majors?
  • Are there any majors that are most popular with athletes?
  • Will my specific major interfere with my athletic schedule?
  • What are the admission requirements for an athlete?
  • Is there anything I should work on to improve in order to be accepted to your school?
  • Does your program have a full-time academic advisor?
  • Are there team study halls?
  • Do most of your players graduate in four years (graduation % rate in 4 years)?
  • Can the application fee be waived for athletes?
  • Should I apply online or what would you suggest?
  • Do you recommend an admissions interview?


  • What are the key positions you’re looking to fill in the 20XX incoming class?
  • Have I been evaluated by your coaching staff? What’s their feedback?
  • How many players are you recruiting at my position?
  • What type of player are you looking for at my position?
  • What is your recruiting timeline? When would you like your recruiting done for the class of 2013?
  • What is your coaching style/philosophy?
  • What advantages are there for student-athletes, in comparison to the regular student body?
  • How many or what percentage of athletes make your team as a walk-on?
  • What type of off-season activities are expected?
  • Am I allowed to participate in other sports?
  • Do you intend to invite me for an official visit?
  • What is the “day in the life” for a team member of your team during the season? During the off-season?
  • What goals do you have for you team during the next 4-5 years?
  • Are student-athletes allowed to be in a fraternity/sorority?


  • How many scholarships do you still have available for my Class (of 20XX)?
  • Are you considering me for a scholarship?
  • What determines if a scholarship is renewed?
  • What type of academic scholarships are available? What about other grants and aid?
  • Do I have to apply before a scholarship can be offered?
  • What happens if I’m injured?
  • Will I be eligible to receive more money next year?

College life

  • Are your players close with each other outside of training and matches?
  • Do teammates typically live together?
  • What is housing like on campus?
  • Do many student-athletes live on campus all four years?
  • Is it realistic to work part time, study and play a sport?
  • What are the biggest challenges for a student-athlete at your school?
  • What type of orientation program is offered for incoming freshmen?

Questions a coach might ask a prospective student-athlete

  • How are you doing in school?
  • What is your favorite subject? Least favorite subject?
  • What about our school interests you?
  • What are you looking for in a school?
  • What other schools are recruiting you?
  • Have you visited our campus?
  • Do you plan to visit?
  • What is your biggest strength as a player?
  • What is your biggest weakness as a player?
  • What do you want to major in?
  • What is your upcoming schedule?
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