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Phoenixville Area SC

PASC Winter IM Soccer

Winter Clinics are open for U5 through U14 recreational players! Space is limited!
Register Now!

Clinics will be held on Sundays in January/February, 2024 at Renaissance Academy. These one-hour sessions will consist of a mix of skill instruction, small-sided games, and scrimmage opportunities. A typically session will be 30 minutes of training followed by a 30 minute small-sided game. The kids will have the opportunity to be coached by a mix of PASC travel coaches and players from the University of Valley Forge soccer programs.

Renaissance Academy Gym
413 Fairview Street
Phoenixville, PA 19460

Information by Age Group:

U5-U6 Co-ed Pee Wee
Dates: 1/14, 1/21 and 1/28
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Cost: $60

U7-U10 Rec
Dates: 2/4, 2/11, 2/25 and 3/3
Time: U7/U8 Girls: 1:00-2:00 PM
U7/U8 Boys (FULL): 2:00-3:00 PM
U7/U8 Boys (additional time slot): 4:00-5:00 PM
U9/U10 Girls: 3:00-4:00 PM
U9/U10 Boys: 4:00-5:00 PM
Cost: $75

U11-U14 Rec
Dates: 1/14, 1/21 and 1/28
Time: U11/U14 Girls: 2:00-3:00 PM
U11/U12 Boys: 3:00-4:00 PM
U13/U14 Boys: 4:00-5:00 PM
Cost: $60
Register Now!

Please note that, due to space limitations, each age group will have capped registration to ensure we maintain a quality experience for all participants. Priority will be given to those that register first with any additional players being placed on a waitlist.

We hope that you will consider joining us this winter for some exciting soccer participation and additional skill development!

Program Registration

Phoenixville Area Soccer Club uses PlayMetrics to manage program and team registrations.  PlayMetrics allows PASC to provide one central experience for program registration, as well as club and team communications.

In order to register for a PASC program, you must have a PlayMetrics account.  Signing up for an account and registering your player is quick and easy.

Step 1 - Register with the Club
Follow the PASC Club Registration Link.  If you do not already have a Play Metrics account, enter your Email Address and a Password, and click Create Account.  If you already have an account click Login. 

After creating your account and logging in, your Play Metrics account will be linked to the Phoenixville Area Soccer Club.

Step 2 - Create your Players
Each of your family members that will play for PASC needs to be identified as player.  Once you have logged in, on the Dashboard, under the My Players sidebar, choose Add player. 

Enter your players First Name, Last Name, Birthday, and Gender.  It is important to provide the correct Birthday, as this information will be used to determine if your players are eligible to register for programs.

Step 3 - Register For Programs
Click Club Programs on the left side to see available programs and register your player.  Note that you will only see programs that your players are eligible for.  If you would like to see all programs, click Filter and toggle the Show All Programs option. 

Once you have selected a program, you can choose the players you would like to register and select Payment Options.
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